Author Archives: Kathy Bright

About Kathy Bright

My name is Kathy Bright and I’m so glad you’re here! I’m passionate about Jesus, my family and helping children discover who God really is and why it matters. I believe that every problem in life can be traced back to an inaccurate view of God… More

Jesus Name…just a word? Part 2

What’s worse—using the “f_ _k” word or using Jesus name in vain?

I don’t blame non-Christians for the humiliating disregard our culture has for the name of Jesus. If I were intent on marginalizing a religion, I would do what they’re doing. It’s a brilliant strategy—misuse His name in every way possible and soon He becomes ‘just a word’ rather than a Savior.

God’s people have become so de-sensitized to the abuse of our Savior’s name that we do it ourselves without even realizing it.  God’s heart must break every time He hears it.

I have to point the finger at myself as well. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve recommended our family watch a movie and then half way through it Jesus’ name is profaned. How did I miss it? I missed it because I, too, am easily de-sensitized.

In one Christian school, the 6th grade science teacher warned that the documentary they were about to see had some mild language in it but “nothing that bad.” A student later told her parents, “They used Jesus’ name in vain in the movie. I thought that was really bad but the teacher didn’t think so. What’s the truth?”

If the words, “f_ _k” or “s_ _ t” were in the film do you think the Christian schoolteacher would have shown it? Those 2 words may be vulgar but they don’t tarnish the image of the Savior. Why do we cover kids ears and wash out their mouths in regard to vulgarity and not profanity?

Brad and I have made it a non-negotiable to turn off any movie (no matter how engrossing it may be) if Jesus’ name is used in vain. If you try it you’ll soon discover that your media options are very limited! You’ll also discover how incredibly freeing it is!

I’ve found that the more I honor His name the more I enjoy a deep and intimate relationship with the Lord. Can you imagine having a close, intimate relationship with someone whose name you allow to be trashed every day?

If we don’t stand up for Jesus’ name who will? Our kids need to see us honoring His name, not profaning it. They need to see us standing up for His name, not ignoring it every time it’s misused in TV, movies, and the work place. Our kids must see us living out the third Commandment:

You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse His name. –Exodus 20:7 (NLT)

Jesus’ Name…just another word?

The name of our Lord Jesus Christ is dragged through the mud every day. Is it any wonder that our kids grow up with a warped view of Jesus and what He did on the cross?

My son and I were in line at Costco when we heard Jesus Christ’s name shouted out in a very profane way. Instinctively I turned to see where it came from. One of the cashiers was laughing with a customer and he did it again. My heart started beating and I knew I had to say something. “Are you sure Lord?” I asked silently. His response was simple, “It’s My Name.”

I smiled at my cashier, Roma, and said, “I don’t know if you’re the one I should talk to, but one of your cashiers just used Jesus’ name in a very profane way. I’m a follower of Jesus and it’s deeply offensive when the employees of a business I patronize use His name like that.”

Roma was gracious, “Oh,” she replied, “You have to understand, it’s just a word.”

“Unfortunately,” I replied, “Christians have let it become ‘just a word’ by not standing up for it. But it’s not just a word, Roma. Jesus is the name of my Savior and God and it hurts me deeply to see Him degraded. Why is it okay to take my Savior’s name in vain when we would never use the names of Mohammed or Buddah in such a way?”

Roma looked at me wide eyed and put her hands in the air. “Lord,” her voice was soft and sad, “Forgive me. I’ve done it myself!”

I talked with a manager who was completely unimpressed with my convictions but said she would let her team know to refrain from using Jesus’ name on the job. As we walked out of the store my son said, “Well mom, one lady got it and one lady didn’t.” More importantly to me–my son got it!

You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse His name. –Exodus 20:7 (NLT)

Got Milk?

Have you noticed that milk is always at the back of the store? I saw an interview with a grocery store marketer and was fascinated by what I heard!

Milk is at the back of the store because it’s a staple. You’re forced to walk by products you don’t intend to buy in order to pick up the items they know you’ll buy. The master marketer gave multiple examples of how product placement motivates shoppers to buy impulse items, thus driving up the grocery bill.

A friend asked me if I grocery shop with a list. The reality is, I can’t go without one! I’m an easy target for savvy marketers. My list is my best defense. I can’t tell you how many times I walk by tempting displays repeating to myself, “It’s not on the list, it’s not on the list!”

The enemy of our souls wins the prize for savvy marketing. He places all kinds of distractions along the path to the staples of the Christian life. Some mornings the path from my bed to my Bible can feel like a minefield of distractions! Believe it or not, I have a list of reasons to spend time in God’s Word every day. This list is my best defense against the lies of the enemy. Here’s a few items from the list:

1. He knows everything and I don’t. I’m not smart enough to tackle the decisions of the day without His guidance.
2. He’s all-powerful and I’m not. I need His strength every day!
3. He’s in control of everything and I’m not (though my family says I give it a good try!). I need to be reminded of that comforting truth!
4. His love is perfect and mine is not. I want to love my family and friends with a selfless love but my own agenda can so easily get in the way. I need His love in order to love the way I want to love. (try saying that 3 times really fast!)
5. His love for me is perfect. Self-image issues (and menopause emotions!) fan the flames of lies that drag my view of myself into the pit. His love for me fills my heart to overflowing and gives hope in the midst of failure.
6. Apart from Him I can do nothing that has lasting value. When I put off my time with the Lord it’s usually because my “schedule” is so full I don’t think I have time for it. In John 15:5 Jesus says,

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.

If I say ‘no’ to time with God I’m cutting my legs out from underneath me. I’m running a race I’ll never win…why would I want to do that?!

What about you?  If you had a list of reasons to spend time with God, what would be on it?

Unjust judges…Cash for Kids

Aren’t you thankful our God is a Perfect Judge? Judge Mark Ciavarella has made me even more thankful than before…

Former Luzerne County Judge Ciavarella has been convicted of using children to get rich. The Judge wrongfully sentenced juveniles in order to receive an estimated $1 million in kickbacks from the private detention centers where the children were placed. Authorities are now reviewing all of the cases Judge Ciavarella presided over, as they lack confidence that any of the decisions he handed down were fair and just.

Most of us talk about God’s Justice only in the context of our sin. It’s true that God’s Justice can’t ignore our sin and that a penalty must be paid. Jesus’ horrific death on the cross is the ultimate display of God’s justice being satisfied. Apart from Christ, there’s good reason to fear God’s Justice. However, there’s also much comfort and hope in knowing that God is the Perfect Judge.

God is the Perfect Judge because He Loves us Perfectly. He desires the best for us and He’s never motivated by selfishness.

Judge Ciavarella appears to be motivated by a narcissistic love that’s willing to hurt children in order to further his selfish desires.

God is the Perfect Judge because He’s Totally Truthful.

Judge Ciavarella sacrificed truth for his own personal gain.

God is the Perfect Judge because He’s Holy, perfect and clean in every way. He never judges out of malicious intent.

Judge Ciavarella is, as we all are, imperfect. But he allowed his dark imperfections to control his life and many children have paid the price.

God is the Perfect Judge because He’s completely Faithful. He promises that He will judge every wrong and defend every innocent. He’s our greatest advocate and judge!

Judge Ciavarella made a mockery of his judicial promise every time he sent an undeserving child to a detention facility.

Judges like Ciavarella make it easy to become cynical about true justice, and that cynicism can seep into our view of God’s Justice. Let’s never confuse our imperfect human judges with our Perfect and Holy Judge!

We’re raising the next generation of judges right now. They’re in our schools, our churches and sitting around our tables. It’s so important for us to talk with our kids about the difference between an unjust judge like Ciavarella and the Justice of our Perfect, Loving, Faithful and Sovereign God! The best way to raise up a new generation of just judges is to teach our children who God really is and why it matters. It’s upon His foundation they will build a moral compass that always points to true justice.

He is the rock; His deeds are perfect. Everything He does is just and fair. He is a faithful God who does no wrong; how just and upright He is! -Deuteronomy 32:4 (NLT).

There’s nothing wrong with racism…

“There’s nothing wrong with racism…” my husband told a black pastor in Washington D.C. They stared at each other for several uncomfortable seconds until Brad broke the silence, “…unless the God of the Bible actually exists.” The pastor’s face lit up as the power of the statement sunk in. “Oh that’s good! That’s very good!” he said with a smile.

The reality is, apart from God, morality is a fairy tale just like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny! When Brad does radio shows he challenges anyone to call in and prove his statement wrong. Inevitably atheists will call and declare they don’t believe in God but they’re moral. Here’s my husbands response:

I don’t know you. You may very well adhere to moral standards. However, apart from the existence of God you can’t explain to me why I’m obligated to treat you in a moral fashion.

We want our children to grow up with a strong moral compass. We want them to be honest, hard working, kind, generous, and extend love to all people. However, with the God of the Bible banned from the classroom and expelled from the public square it’s no wonder the younger generations have a blurred sense of morality.

Bringing God back into the public debate is essential, but the best thing we can do for our children’s future is to teach them who God really is and why it matters. Our homes are the most powerful change agent our country has.

I have dear friends who give their life’s blood to save the lives of the unwanted unborn. Others fight injustice, racism, abuse and child pornography. As vital as these battles are, there is one we all must fight and win. If we don’t fight this one, all other battles are fought in vain. We must fight to make time to teach our kids who God really is and why it matters.

I’m going to be bold here and say that if there isn’t time in your family life to explore together the character of God and why it matters in every day life, something needs to go. There is nothing you’re doing that’s more important for your children’s future… nothing.

Remember, there’s nothing wrong with lying, cheating, racism, homosexuality, drug abuse, pedophilia, abortion or rape…unless the God of the Bible exists.

The Forgotten Gift

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. –John 14:27 (NLT)

These words of Jesus speak to my heart. Peace of mind and heart is a gift from God. Nothing the world has to offer can provide such a priceless gift.

Whatever concerns consume your thoughts today I encourage you to join me in bringing them to Jesus. Imagine laying them at His feet and then lift your eyes to focus on Him and Him alone. Imagine His eyes, full of love and compassion. Imagine His smile, radiant and pleased that you are trusting in Him. Imagine His arms, reaching out to comfort and strengthen. Imagine His power, extended on your behalf.

Worry is a result of not trusting God. Worry declares that He’s not strong enough to handle the problem, not loving enough to care, not faithful enough to do anything about it or not merciful enough to act on our behalf in spite of our sin.

So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. –Romans 8:6 (NLT)

Some say, “I can’t help worrying. It’s in my head. I can’t help what I think.” Yes you can! You can’t help what pops into your head, but you can absolutely help what you do with it once it’s there! Our sinful nature wants to focus on the worry. Sin tries to solve problems apart from God, and apart from God there’s good reason to worry!

The only way to stop worry in its tracks is to focus on who God is and give thanks that He really is in control of every situation. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you focus your thoughts on the fact that God loves you enough to do what’s best, He’s powerful enough to do what’s best, He’s faithful to do what’s best and He’s merciful to do what’s best even though we deserve the opposite!

God’s gift of peace is waiting for each of us today. Let’s not leave it unopened!

Family Dinners

My husband was talking with some friends today about our family dinners. They were surprised that we sit down together at least five to six nights a week.

“How do you do it?” they asked.

“I tell them to be at dinner.” Brad said with a smile.

One friend lamented how hard it is to get everyone together.. Schedules, meetings, athletic events, etc. make family meal time a thing of the past.

“With such crazy schedules,” he asked, “how do you get them all to the table?”

“I tell them they have to be there.” Brad said again.

It’s really that simple. When my daughter had ballet practice from 6-7:30 we ate before or after, but we ate together. When my son has tennis practice or lessons we plan the mealtime accordingly. The meals aren’t fancy, but even if it’s cereal we eat it together. We don’t have many non-negotiables in our house, but dinner is one of them. Why?

I could tell you that family dinners are a priority because statistics show eating together will increase the chances for healthy, happy and academically successful children. I could say that it saves money (eating out is expensive and fattening!). I could quote the statistics that revealed a startling fact: kids who eat dinner with their family at least five times a week have a dramatically lower chance of smoking, drinking or doing drugs. But, although we’re thankful for those benefits, they aren’t the motivating factors.

We have dinner together because we’re… a family, not 4 people pursuing individual lives who happen to live in the same house. It’s our time to stop the motion, look each other in the eye and listen, really listen, to what’s going on in everyone’s life. It’s the only time during the day it happens and it’s worth fighting for.

It’s never too late to start having family dinners. Whatever you’re doing now, increase it by one dinner a week. Don’t freak out about the dinner prep. Remember, you can have cereal! Talk about how everyone’s day went. What was the best part of the day? What’s happening tomorrow? What did you learn in school? Just start asking questions and let the conversation take on a life of it’s own.

Our kids are only around our table for a few short years, but what happens around the table will stay with them for a lifetime.

Walmart and Cosmopolitan

Last week I did something that’s out of my comfort zone. Sometimes fear of not doing something overwhelms the fear of doing it…

I walked by the rows of check out lanes at Walmart and at the end of each row was a bright red issue of Cosmopolitan magazine. So what you say? The plunging neckline on the cover model nearly revealed her navel along with her cleavage. I saw it and thought of our children.

Every child who walks through the checkout lane with his mom sees, at eye level, a seductive, half exposed woman next to a large text saying, “GET NAKED.” Did you know that the human brain remembers everything? We may not be able to access all the memories, but they’re there. God knows it, that’s why He continually encourages us to be careful what we look at. Every child that sees the Cosmo cover has that picture in their head for the rest of their lives. And we wonder where addiction to pornography begins…

I’m so tired of seeing our children’s innocence being destroyed everywhere they go. Not even the grocery store is safe anymore! As a result, I’m becoming bold in my old age! Ignoring my beating heart, I approached a manager who happened to be standing in front of the check out lanes!

“Excuse me, are you a manager?”

He smiled, “I’m an area manager. Can I help you?”

I smiled back, “Yes. Do you see the Cosmo magazines prominently displayed at the end of each check out lane? Every child who comes in here has to see that woman’s chest and the words, “GET NAKED,” next to it. I don’t want my kids, or any other kids, forced to look at it just because they’re innocently shopping with their mom, do you? I know magazines buy shelf space and you’re limited on what you can do, but can’t you at least cover the picture?”

He was very gracious and said he would pass along my concern on. It’s been a week and nothing has been done. On Friday I asked a second manager to cover the picture. If I don’t see a change, I’ll call it to their attention again, and again, and again!

If enough of us graciously challenge the status quo we can make a difference. Next time you grocery shop, look at the magazines that line the check out gauntlet and think about your children. What are they seeing? Do you want that picture in their heads for the rest of their lives?

Valentine’s Day…do we have to?

I was single for more than 30 years. In high school my friend, Nora, and I would dream of the day we would have a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. In the meantime we lived vicariously through our friend, Risa, who always seemed to have a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day! Throughout College, Grad school, and various jobs, a few boyfriends came and went, but still no boyfriend on Valentine’s Day! Actually, I was once “dating” a guy long distance, but the 1,500 miles between us made celebrating difficult!

You can imagine how excited I was my first year of marriage when Valentine’s Day approached. Finally, I would really get to celebrate the “day of love”! My husband of six months, however, had other ideas.

A week before the big day I mentioned it to him. His response wilted my newly married, fairy tale dreams. “Why do we have to celebrate Valentine’s Day?” his voice dripped with frustration. “I resent the fact that Hallmark invented a holiday just so they can sell a lot of cards and candy. I’m not going to let them dictate when and how I tell you I love you.” I don’t know, maybe it was the look on my face, but Brad knew immediately that he’d blown it…big time!

Today we celebrate our 19th Valentine’s Day and he’s never complained about it again! We laugh as we recall how he tried to explain that his comments weren’t a reflection of his love for me. He said he would prove his love by buying me a card, flowers and candy on Valentine’s Day. I said I didn’t want any of it and he could just forget it for the rest of our lives…not my most mature moment!

Figuring out this radical thing called love is a life long education! I haven’t been a model student myself. If grades were handed out, I would receive a lot more F’s than A’s! But, we hang in there and keep trying. That’s what real love is about.

Brad shows me he loves me in a million ways throughout the year. I’ll take that over a Valentine’s card, flowers and chocolate any day…but the chocolate never hurts!

Did I say that?

I heard about a mom who invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said, “Would you like to say the blessing?”

“I don’t know what to say,” the girl replied.

“Just say what you hear Mommy say,” her mom encouraged.

The little girl bowed her head and said, “Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?”

Oops! Don’t you hate it when that happens? We work so hard to put on a nice face to the world and then our kids innocently expose the real us! Every guest in that room has probably felt the same way before they hosted a dinner party, but no one wants it broadcasted!

I don’t know how the guests responded, but I know how God responds to the ‘real’ us. He loves us, laughs with us, helps us turn our lemons into lemonade and He never, no never, abandons us.

What a relief!

P.S. Be careful what you say around your kids!