What would you choose?

I’ve been pondering something for the last few months and I want to put it out there and see what you think…

What is the most important thing for a child to know about God?

Is it His love?  Many Christians would say ‘yes!’

On our website, discovergod4kids.com, we have daily bible teachings and activities to help weave 13 of God’s attributes into every day life.  Our analytics reveal that most people use the resources for God’s Love but very few ever check out God’s Holiness.  It’s not surprising really.  When was the last time you heard a sermon on God’s Holiness?  If you have heard one, did you understand it?

God’s Holiness is hard to wrap our heads around.  Sadly, most theologians haven’t helped us.  It’s true that His Holiness sets Him apart from everything we see, feel and touch.  It is what makes us fall to our knees before Him because we realize how unworthy we are to even speak His name.  But it is also the attribute that, more that any other, gives us HOPE.

Bill Bright wrote in GOD: Discover His Character,

Of all God’s attributes, nothing compares to the splendor and beauty of His holiness.  It is chief among His attributes.  That means His character is perfect in every way.  He is totally pure. (page 130)

 Did you catch that?  His character is perfect in every way.  God’s Holiness is what makes every other attribute perfect, without flaw or weakness.

I do want my kids to know that God is Love.  But His love isn’t just any love.  It doesn’t change with the cultural norms.  It’s not a love based on selfish desires.

God’s love is perfect.  It’s holy.

I want my children to know they can count on God’s love even when they blow it.  I want them to be confident that, no matter how many times they ask, God’s perfect love will never let Him compromise what He knows is best for them.

I want them to know that God is Holy – so they can know that His love is Holy.

So if I could only teach my children one thing about God I would teach them that He is Holy.  His Holiness makes every other attribute perfect.

What are your thoughts?  What attribute do you think is most important for your kids to know?