Budget Crunched Christmas

I was a sophomore in high school when my 37 year-old dad had open-heart surgery. Surrendering to Jesus had transformed his life, but his heart struggled to pump through the deposits left after years of abuse. I’ll never forget that day in May 1977. It snowed…more than a foot…in May!

My Great Aunt, Lucille, had travelled from Iowa to help out. She wasn’t familiar with our house and when she opened the door to the basement rather than the restroom, her frail body fell down a long flight of stairs. On that day in May, with more than a foot of snow on the ground, my dad was having heart surgery in Denver and my aunt was in the Boulder hospital with multiple injuries. Although our family hadn’t been walking with Jesus very long, we marveled at the peace He gave us in the midst of the storm.

Both dad and Aunt Lucille recovered, but our storm wasn’t over. The doctors told dad not to work for three months! As a self-employed dentist, this news not only had implications for his family, but his employees as well! When the dentist can’t work, the money doesn’t come in. He refused to let his employees go knowing they needed the paycheck as much as he did. For three months he paid the bills, paid his employees, and fed his family. It took everything he had to do it. He began seeing patients again in August, but the financial deficit was huge. When Christmas came, there was nothing extra for presents.

My parents turned a disappointing reality into a treasured Christmas memory. They helped us focus on the many things we had to be thankful for. A father who was still alive and well, was at the top of the list! They helped us make Christmas presents for each other and our friends. They slowed down the pace and focused on family. It was one of my best Christmases ever!

If you’re feeling the financial crunch this year, I hope you’ll embrace the opportunity to let God give you the best Christmas ever. Don’t let the enemy rob you and your family of Christmas joy just because there may not be as many presents under the tree! Brad and I are asking God for wisdom and guidance to help our family enjoy the Christmas celebration more deeply than ever before, even though the budget won’t allow for many monetary gifts. We’re excited about the challenge and the opportunity to see God work!

If you have ideas for creating treasured Christmas memories, I hope you’ll share them with all of us!


Today is a busy day for me…full of decisions, a long ‘To-Do List’ and the constant demands of a wife and mom…actually, that describes most days! A friend sent me a poem that lightened the load and reminded me of a powerful truth:

He was just a little boy,
On a week’s first day.
Wandering home from Bible School,
And dawdling on the way.

He scuffed his shoes into the grass;
Even found a caterpillar.
He found a fluffy milkweed pod,
And blew out all the ‘filler’.

A bird’s nest in a tree overhead? So wisely placed up high.
Was just another wonder,
That caught his eagle eye.

A neighbor watched his zig zag course,
And hailed him from the lawn;
Asked him where he’d been that day
And what was going on.

‘I’ve been to Bible School ,’
He said and turned a piece of sod.
He picked up a wiggly worm replying,
‘I’ve learned a lot about God.’

‘M’mm very fine way,’ the neighbor said,
‘For a boy to spend his time.’
‘If you’ll tell me where God is,
I’ll give you a brand new dime.’

Quick as a flash the answer came!
Nor were his accents faint.
‘I’ll give you a dollar, mister,
If you can tell me where God ain’t.’

Whatever your day may bring, remember God is there. Look for Him in the smile of a loved one, in words of encouragement from a friend. Look for Him in His Word of hope and in prayers softly spoken. Look for Him when things go well. Look for Him when dreams crumble. Look for Him. He’s always there. You’re never, no never, alone.

“I can never escape from Your Spirit! I can never get away from Your presence! If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I go down to the grave, You are there. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me.” Psalms 139:7-10, Discover God Bible, (NLT).

Drawing back the curtains

I drew back the curtains in my sunroom this morning and felt my whole being smile. There’s something amazing about the power of the morning sun. I know some of you aren’t morning people, but even my son (definitely not a lover of mornings) brightens a bit when the sun first brushes his face on the way to school.

Drawing back the curtains brings in the promises of a new day. As the wise teacher in Anne of Green Gables says, “Each day is fresh and clean, with no mistakes in it.” Some of you are thinking, ‘Sure, no mistakes yet!” Stop that!!

There’s a reason God continually exhorts us to reign in our thoughts and consciously think about that which is good, right and pure. We’re to fill our thoughts with His promises. When negative lies threaten to darken our day, we’re to open the curtain of our mind to God’s promises and let their light chase away the shadows.

Today is going to bring many opportunities to discipline my thoughts and keep the curtain of my mind open to God’s Word, Spirit, strength and hope.

I will blow it, but I’m not going to focus on it. I’m painfully aware of my faults and how easy it is for sin to blossom. I’m also blissfully free from discouragement because I know I’m forgiven–already completely forgiven—even before the day begins! When I sin today, I will consciously keep the curtain open and confess the darkness immediately, letting the Spirit wash away the guilt with the light of Jesus and empower me to move on.

Every time I draw back the curtains in my sunroom it’s a reminder to draw back the curtains of my mind and commit the new day to God’s control and guidance. It’s exciting to take a moment and think about the day through God’s eyes—anticipating the joy of watching Him work.

Find a window in your home where can open up to the light of day and smile as the Son washes your soul with His morning light!

May the words John the Baptist’s dad, Zechariah, spoke about Jesus encourage you today!

Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.


Welcome to Kathy’s Korner. This is my blog where we can share life together! Please read and comment on my latest posts.
– Kathy