Dirty dishes—free. Music on the radio—free. Two teenage kids and a husband who hates to dance, all spontaneously rocking out in the kitchen—priceless!
When my kids were 1 and 2 ½ a friend’s advice changed my perspective on the day-to-day grind of mothering. Tracy recognized the haggard look on my face. It hadn’t been long since her precious children were knee high and challenging the boundaries of patience.
“Someone gave me this advise, Kathy, and I want to pass it on to you,” she said with a smile. “Cherish these moments. Work at enjoying your kids…right now. The moments pass so quickly. If you don’t make yourself stop and treasure them, you’ll miss them. Once they’re gone, you can never get them back.”
I was working hard to keep the house clean, cook great meals, “do” all the things “good” moms are supposed to do, and I was missing the wonder of watching my kids learn, grow and explore the world. I was easily irritated when their behavior messed up “my plan” for the day. I wasn’t aware that I had begun to treat them like an obstacle to accomplishing my goals, and yet they were one of my top priorities—how crazy was that?!
I still live by Tracy’s advise. My house is rarely spotless and meals are often simple, but I have a treasure of precious memories from the moments I forced myself to stop and enjoy with my kids. I have a relationship with them that’s deep with understanding because I made myself stop and get to know them (really know them) at each stage of life.
For some this may come naturally. For me it takes constant reminders. The task-driven side of me quickly forgets. It’s a character flaw that easily creeps into my relationship with God as well. I love Him passionately. Most days I can’t wait to talk with Him and engage with Him throughout the day. There are still days, however, when I must choose to set aside time to be with Him. When the “to-do” list is long and the pressures threaten to block out everything else. These are the moments I need Him most. It’s in these moments that I experience the depth of His Love, Power and Sovereignty. He reveals His Mercy, Faithfulness and Presence. They are precious memories I would have missed if I hadn’t stopped and enjoyed the moment with Him.
Stop and enjoy those you love, dear friends! Thank you Tracy! May your advice keep paying forward!!!!