I’ll never forget the day I “got it”. I’d known it for a long time. Believed it and counted on it. But that day in the desert it became real.
My possessions rattled in the back of a U-haul truck as I made the solitary trip across the Nevada desert. I was making yet another major move…alone. Looking at the empty seat beside me I was keenly aware of the fact there wasn’t anyone to help back the monster truck up if need be. I’m proud to say that I drove from Sacramento to Salt Lake City without ever backing up. If I couldn’t pull in and out going the same direction I didn’t stop!
I poured my heart out to God as the truck rumbled down Interstate 80. I was tired of being alone. It wasn’t the ‘longing for a husband’ kind of tired. It was a weariness of starting over without a common denominator. Wonderful friends from every stage of life were a rich blessing, but they only shared a season of my life. I longed for someone to share all the memories, not just a few. Someone who knew me “when” and knows me “now”.
Then, in the desert, I heard His voice. I looked to the passenger seat half expecting Him to be there. I didn’t “see” Him, but His message was clear:
“I’m here Kathy. I’m your common denominator. I was there when you were born and when you took your first step! I was there when you cried in the school bathroom with a broken heart. I was there when you did well. I was there when you failed. I was there in Sacramento, I’ll be there in Salt Lake and I’m here—right now. You are never alone.”
I experienced the reality of God’s presence that day in the U-haul cab and I’ve never “felt” totally alone since. God did eventually provide an incredible husband but as wonderful as Brad is, even he isn’t the common denominator. Only God can fill the lonely spot in my soul.
God is with us—always. When we smile at a funny memory God smiles at it too. When we say, “Remember when…?” God always says, “Yes, I do!”
“You go before me and follow me. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! I can never escape Your Spirit! I can never get away from Your presence!”
Palm 139:5-7 Discover God Study Bible NLT