Author Archives: Kathy Bright

About Kathy Bright

My name is Kathy Bright and I’m so glad you’re here! I’m passionate about Jesus, my family and helping children discover who God really is and why it matters. I believe that every problem in life can be traced back to an inaccurate view of God… More

Conquering Fear

Our two dogs, a seven pound Pekinese/Chiquaqua and a beautiful Sheltie, are making it challenging to write. I love the thunderstorm that’s raging outside, but my dogs are petrified. I’ve done everything I know to do to calm their fears. The little one works himself into a frenzy, shaking like a leaf and totally beyond consoling.

He’s completely safe, wrapped in my arms. I know he’s safe but that doesn’t matter to the dog. He shakes until the storm dies down or he gives up from shear exhaustion!

I look at him, quivering over nothing, and I wonder if I frustrate God this much when I tremble with the fears that threaten my world. Does He wonder why I don’t trust in His strong and faithful arms? Does He shake His head when I waste so much energy fretting over something He’s taken care of already?

My fears reveal my lack of faith—faith in His Love, His Power, His Faithfulness, His Control. Fears unveil the question mark few are willing to admit exists in their lives. Is God really more powerful than _________? Can God really make something good come from___________? Can God really love me after I __________? So many questions, only one answer, “yes!”

Here’s a question that has really helped me identify the source of my fears: What attribute of God am I struggling to believe is true in this circumstance? The answer to that question is the place I know I need to start. The key to conquering fear is focusing on our All Powerful, Faithful, Totally in Control,Loving, Merciful, Ever Present, All Knowing, Always Right, Just, Holy, Truthful, Personal and Never Changing God.

Whatever your fear is today, ask God to help you feel His arms surrounding you, giving you strength and peace beyond understanding.

The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.” Habbakkuk 3:19 The Discover God Study Bible, NLT

Don’t miss it!

Dirty dishes—free. Music on the radio—free. Two teenage kids and a husband who hates to dance, all spontaneously rocking out in the kitchen—priceless!

When my kids were 1 and 2 ½ a friend’s advice changed my perspective on the day-to-day grind of mothering. Tracy recognized the haggard look on my face. It hadn’t been long since her precious children were knee high and challenging the boundaries of patience.

“Someone gave me this advise, Kathy, and I want to pass it on to you,” she said with a smile. “Cherish these moments. Work at enjoying your kids…right now. The moments pass so quickly. If you don’t make yourself stop and treasure them, you’ll miss them. Once they’re gone, you can never get them back.”

I was working hard to keep the house clean, cook great meals, “do” all the things “good” moms are supposed to do, and I was missing the wonder of watching my kids learn, grow and explore the world. I was easily irritated when their behavior messed up “my plan” for the day. I wasn’t aware that I had begun to treat them like an obstacle to accomplishing my goals, and yet they were one of my top priorities—how crazy was that?!

I still live by Tracy’s advise. My house is rarely spotless and meals are often simple, but I have a treasure of precious memories from the moments I forced myself to stop and enjoy with my kids. I have a relationship with them that’s deep with understanding because I made myself stop and get to know them (really know them) at each stage of life.

For some this may come naturally. For me it takes constant reminders. The task-driven side of me quickly forgets. It’s a character flaw that easily creeps into my relationship with God as well. I love Him passionately. Most days I can’t wait to talk with Him and engage with Him throughout the day. There are still days, however, when I must choose to set aside time to be with Him. When the “to-do” list is long and the pressures threaten to block out everything else. These are the moments I need Him most. It’s in these moments that I experience the depth of His Love, Power and Sovereignty. He reveals His Mercy, Faithfulness and Presence. They are precious memories I would have missed if I hadn’t stopped and enjoyed the moment with Him.

Stop and enjoy those you love, dear friends! Thank you Tracy! May your advice keep paying forward!!!!

Tragedy in Tucson

I’m heartbroken by the shooting in Tucson, Arizona. How do we process tragedies like this? Where was God when six innocent people met their eternal destinies at the hand of a lunatic? When faced with tragedy our view of God will either turn us away from Him or motivate us to seek comfort in His arms.

If we try to “make sense of it” we’ll go crazy. If you have kids they may be asking some hard questions about this incident. How can we help our kids when we can’t answer it for ourselves?

One thing that has helped our family wrestle through challenging times is to focus on all the attributes of God rather than just one or too. When we filter a tragedy through only one or two of God’s attributes it often results in anger, doubt and disillusionment. All of God’s character comes into play at all times.

Two of the attributes that get a lot of criticism in times of tragedy are His Sovereignty and His Love. Here are some thoughts about those two attributes we’ve found helpful:
God is Sovereign: He is in total control all the time, but He didn’t make us robots. God gives us the freedom to make choices for good or ill. Some people make very bad choices that impact good people. The flip side is also true: some people make very good choices and others benefit from them. God was not out of control when the bullets were fired in Tucson. His perfect plan will be accomplished and no man can stop that. (Romans 8:28—And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.) So what is God’s will? To know God’s Love…
God is Love: We often think that God’s love means He wants us to be happy, successful and healthy. God showed us that His love is so much more. He wants the very best for us and He was willing to die for it.

What is His “best”? There’s nothing better than being in relationship with Him, now and forever. Heaven is the ultimate fulfillment of His best. It’s not just about streets of gold and mansions designed specifically for their inhabitants. Heaven is about freedom. No more sin, no more tears, no more hunger, cancer or fears. Heaven is about experiencing the love of the One who created us and treasures us. When a follower of Jesus dies, those who are left behind grieve their loss. God’s love and presence will be their comfort. The one who dies is welcomed into Heaven and knows love in a way we cannot imagine.

Volumes have been written about these issues. I encourage you to check out Discover God for help in knowing God more deeply. Discover God 4Kids Family Adventures is a great resource to help you equip your kids with a view of God that will carry them through the tragedies of life.
How about you? Has the Tucson tragedy affected your view of God? Have your kids been affected by it?

Beauty Shop

When I was in grade school I heard about a girl who was horribly disfigured.  Her doctor, however, was confident there was hope.  After countless surgeries, Dr. Maltz held his breath as the final bandages were removed. A smile of relief lit his face as he handed her the mirror and waited for the now beautiful woman to see what he saw. “I’m still ugly!” she cried at her reflection.

Dr. Maltz was dumbfounded. He had given her a face many women long for but she still saw herself as ugly. Her response confirmed what had long been a nagging suspicion for Dr. Maltz. If a person believes they’re ugly on the inside, there’s not a plastic surgeon in the world who can make them feel beautiful on the outside.

I think of the deepening lines I saw staring back at me in the mirror this morning (along with numerous other flaws I won’t mention!) and I have to admit that, apart from the grace of God, I too would be disappointed in the image that stared back at me. Every day I need to re-affirm the foundation for my self-esteem in order to fight the media driven lies that pummel my self-image and rob me of the joy that comes from embracing who God has created me to be. It’s a battle to look in the mirror and see what He sees.

I hope you will stop by God’s “Beauty Shop” every morning and get a ‘face-lift’ from His Spirit and an infusion of peace from His Word. No amount of creams, make-up or surgeries can make you more beautiful to behold than time spent with the One who made you and loves you just the way you are. If you need a place to start, read Psalm 139!

By the way, you can help your children navigate the self-esteem waters. Encourage them to see themselves through God’s “looking glass” rather than the “worlds”! They’re never too young to go to His Beauty Shop!! (check out DG4Kids: God Knows Everything/day 3)

‘No’ is a beautiful word

I’m not a fan of Happy Meals but the recent attacks on them are disturbing. Lawsuits against McDonalds claim that parents can’t say “no” to purchasing the nutritionally deprived meals because of the savvy marketing plan that targets their kids. Children beg and plead for Happy Meals until parents are compelled to give in.

I’m not promoting McDonalds but give me a break! Happy Meals aren’t the problem. Allowing kids a Happy Meal on rare occasion won’t kill them, but it’s our job as parents to teach children to say “no” to over indulgence. Savvy marketing could be an opportunity to train kids to be wise consumers and refuse to be manipulated by compelling campaigns.

Unfortunately, parents are also manipulated by clever marketing. We can’t seem to say “no” to the myriad of images that flash across the screen every day, targeting our dreams and desires. We harm our bodies with products that provide temporary pleasure but rarely deliver long-term satisfaction. We spend ourselves into debt purchasing what we don’t need and then try to blame our financial ruin on someone else. It’s hard to teach what we haven’t learned, but there is hope!

The problem is not McDonalds or Happy Meals. If Happy Meals disappeared tomorrow there would soon be some other decadent delight children would want. We have to stand firm and fight for what’s best for our kids; not by blaming McDonalds, but by dealing with our kids. Saying, “no” to those big pleading eyes, or that screaming voice, takes incredible strength and commitment; but it’s a non-negotiable if we want our kids to grow to maturity. If we don’t teach our kids to say ‘no’ to a toy today, they probably won’t say ‘no’ to far more destructive “toys” in the future.

Surround yourself with parents who are striving to teach their kids to say, ‘no’, not just to drugs, but to every bad choice in life. We need the encouragement and strength we glean from kindred spirits.

Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts. 2 Timothy 2:22 NLT

What’s in your wagon?

It’s the new year, and yes, I’m trying to lose a few pounds. Maybe that’s why I’m recalling Oprah pulling a wagon of fat on stage. It was disgusting. The fat in the wagon weighed the equivalent to the amount of weight she had lost (this was a few “diets” ago). Oprah struggled to pull the heavy-laden wagon across stage and the image burned in my brain. Lugging around all that weight takes a toll on every part of life.

I’ve got a few extra pounds in my wagon, but that’s not all that’s weighing me down and making it difficult to run the race of life.

In the Bible God encourages us to: “…strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1b) NLT Discover God Study Bible

I wonder what my wagon would look like if I added all the things that weigh me down? Worry, anxious thoughts, fear for the future, jealousy, inadequacy…I think it would be more than disgusting! These heavy burdens were birthed from a flawed view of God, and the only way to truly lighten my wagon is to focus on who God really is.

Dear Oprah has taken the fat in and out of her wagon so many times it’s hard to keep track. No one knows better than she how damaging it is to her body and yet she keeps putting the pounds back in the wagon. Isn’t it the same with all of us? The older we get the more we acknowledge the damage our excess “baggage” causes and yet we don’t let it go once and for all.

What’s in your wagon? Will you join with me in filtering it all through the reality of who God really is and then let it go…now and forever? When it threatens to get back in your wagon, don’t let it! Follow God’s advice for running the race:

“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2a)NLT Discover God Study Bible

Mom Pressure

Six thousand pairs of eyes stared at me as I ran to the front of the stage in a panic. If I had been speaking or singing I would’ve been fine, but to my horror it was my parenting skills that were being displayed for all to see.

I had been holding our very wiggly 3 year old daughter, trying to keep her quiet without causing a scene. My precious parents-in-love had been married 50 years and Campus Crusade for Christ (the organization they co-founded) was in full celebration mode! The arena filled with staff and friends watched as our family gathered on the platform to honor them. My little wiggle worm kept begging to be let down. In desperation I whispered that I would let her down if she stood right by me… You know what happened don’t you?

The minute her feet touched the stage she took off. Her goal was the skirted table at the end of the stage displaying a beautiful wedding cake. I could feel all the eyes watching my “cherub” dash under the skirt. If she had stopped to take a lick of the cake everyone would have laughed, “Isn’t that cute? Don’t we all want to do that?” As it was, all I heard was the sudden intake of air as thousands of mothers watched and thought, “I’m glad that’s not me!”

I would have left her under the table but I was afraid she would try to crawl out the other side and immediately fall off the end of the stage. So I walked the lonely 20 feet to the table, lifted the skirt and found the frilly dressed imp smiling at me. “Come here.” I whispered in my best ‘obey or else’ tone. She smiled at the game. “No!” she laughed, inching away from me and dangerously close to the edge.

At that moment I’m ashamed to say that I wasn’t thinking about my daughters safety. I was thinking about what everyone would say about my parenting skills. I knew my daughter. She wouldn’t budge until she was ready, but if I pulled her out I knew she could go into full tantrum mode. I thought of the Growing Kids God’s Way people and knew I would be a disappointment. I thought of the great advice from Dr. Dobson on raising a strong willed child and knew I’d blown it… So I did the only thing I knew to do, I prayed…quickly! “God, please let her obey me this once!” I looked her in the eyes, “Come with Mommy now.”

To my amazement, she crawled out, took my hand and stood quietly beside me until the program was over. God is merciful!!

There’s actually no ‘aha’ moment to wow you with. I’m sure we all could evaluate my parenting skills and come up with some suggestions, but the reality is our kids are just like us…in progress. I’m not a bad parent if my child acts up in public now and then. Neither are you. My kids aren’t bad kids if they act up in public now and then…and neither are yours. We’re all in progress. We do our best as parents, learn from mistakes and pray without ceasing…

God Cake

Life is full of teachable moments. One mom capitalized on a moment in the kitchen and taught her daughter an invaluable lesson about life. It’s a story I’ve filed away for future use with my precious kids…!

A daughter is telling her Mom how everything is going wrong, she’s failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away.  Her Mom is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack, “Absolutely Mom, I love your cake.”

“Here, have some cooking oil,” her Mother offers.

“Yuck” says her daughter.

“How about a couple raw eggs?”

“Gross, Mom!”

“Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?”

“Mom, those are all yucky!”

Mother replies: “Yes, all those things seem bad by themselves. But when they are put together, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!”
God works in a similar way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through difficult times. But God knows, when He puts things in His order, they always work for good! We can trust Him and, eventually, He will make something wonderful!

God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He’ll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose to live in your heart.”

Isn’t that awesome? Not only is it a great teachable moment for our kids, it’s a great reminder for us!

Next time you’re cooking or baking, think of the challenges you face as you add each ingredient. When you sit down to the meal, or savor the dessert, thank God for the opportunity to see Him “cause everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 Discover God Study Bible, NLT

Strength of Heart

My little girl is 14.  Do you remember when you were 14?  So much excitement, so much emotion, so much to look forward to…  As a mom I’m excited for her and a little scared.  I fear mostly for her heart.  A broken heart seeps into every area of life.  How can I prepare her for the inevitable?

I read a verse in the Bible today that seems to light the way:

“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.”  ( Psalm 73:26) Discover God Study Bible.

My heart has been broken more times than I can count.  Boys, shattered dreams, friendships gone wrong, friends going to their Heavenly home…so many ways to break a heart…  But unlike Humpty Dumpty, the broken pieces can be put together again by the One who shaped each fragment and holds it in His Hands.

Teach her to give her heart to God, first and without reservation.  He will be her heart’s strength no matter what life may bring…and along the way, let’s remind ourselves to keep doing the same!!

The One Thing

There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it and it will not be taken from her. Luke 10:42.

Christmas. It’s amazing how one word can envoke a myriad of conflicting emotions!  Excitement, anticipation, thankfulness… stress, worry, and a weariness that settles in at the mere thought of the schedules that need to be coordinated, goodies that need to be baked, presents to be purchased…the list seems endless.  How is it working for you?  For me…I need a nap!

Imagine it’s January 2nd and you’re looking back on the Christmas season, what memories would you like to have?

I’m hoping for laughter in the kitchen, lively conversations at the dinner table, reading together by the firelight, the joy of giving gifts of love to family and friends and most of all, I hope for memories my kids will cherish for a lifetime and for treasured times with Jesus.

Some amount of planning and preparation is necessary if these memories are to become reality, however, if planning and preparation rule the day I may end up with a well-orchestrated Christmas that’s riddled with memories of frustration, arguments and resentment.

Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!  There is only one thing worth being concerned about… Luke 10:41

Martha was preparing to entertain the Savior of the world, God incarnate!  In many ways you and I are preparing for the same thing.  We’re preparing to celebrate His birth and welcome Him into our home with every decoration, party and gift.  His words reached out to me this morning and I pass them on to you.

Let’s not allow ourselves to become so consumed with the details that we miss the only thing that’s worth being concerned about…Jesus.  Lets make time to enjoy Jesus’ presence this Christmas season.  Let’s make room in the schedule to enjoy (not just entertain, but really enjoy) family and friends.  If you’re like me you may have to shorten the to-do list and limit the activities but we may find that come January 2 we have rich memories that fill our hearts to overflowing.
Creative Commons License photo credit: .reid.