What’s the responsibility of the Christian Citizen?

“It is commonly believed that decisions in America are made by a majority of the people. This is not so. Decisions are made by a majority of those who vote.” (Bill Bright, The 5 Duties of the Christian Citizen).

Our children’s future is already under water.  Yet everyday I hear Christians say they aren’t going to vote for President because there isn’t a solid Christian to vote for. Really? Their frustration is understandable, however, refusing to vote is choosing to let the ungodly decide the next President of the United States. Are we comfortable with that?

I urge you to read Bill Bright’s The 5 Duties of the Christian Citizen (free downloadable pdf ) and share it with your friends who are struggling with whether or not to vote. Here are some highlights:

* To serve God as a citizen, you must become a regularly participating voter.

* Voting for and supporting moral candidates who support moral public policies is the minimum required of Christian citizens in a system of self-government.

* If there is no qualified candidate who is spiritually mature, vote for the one whose personal principles and platform most nearly agree with your own Christian position based on the Bible.

Many Christians struggle with the fact that neither candidate for President meets the qualification of a godly Christian man. One candidate says with his mouth he’s a Christian but his actions contradict his words. He consistently makes decisions that are in direct violation of the Word of God. The other man has a record of living in light of moral principles consistent with Biblical teaching, however, his Mormon faith is not the Christian faith. I will not speak for individual Mormons (only God can judge the heart), but I can say without reservation that many of the Mormon doctrines, as well as the Book of Mormon, are in direct conflict with the words of God and Jesus in the Bible.

So what is a Christian to do? Your choice in the next few weeks will not only affect the outcome of this election, but it will also influence how your children view their role as a Christian citizen—a responsibility they will uphold or abdicate when they become adults. God, in His Sovereignty, placed us in a country where we have a say in who leads us. It is our duty to take that responsibility seriously. Pray, get involved and vote for the best person available.

The reality is, if the godly don’t pick the next President, the ungodly will. In the words of Steve Brown, “You think about that.”

And the doctor says…

I was really hoping the doctor would prescribe a pill and my symptoms would go away. I felt “old”. The symptoms varied, but “old” was the best way I could describe what I was experiencing. He did blood work and the results confirmed my fear…no pill would solve my problem. I was over weight and out of shape. If I wanted to feel better I had to deal with the cause.

It’s true that girdles and spanx can be a girls’ best friend, but they can also help her live in denial. My dresser is full of various body sculpting undergarments. I poured myself into them and learned to survive with small, shallow breaths. The scale became my enemy so I stopped getting on it. My energy level plummeted along with my motivation. My body hurt doing the simple tasks of life. Surely all those symptoms added up to something more than lack of discipline!

We live in a culture of quick fixes and pills for every problem. We want to be “spiritual” without investing time getting to know God through His Word and in prayer. We want to be good parents without interrupting our personal plans. We want a great marriage without loving sacrificially. We want healthy bodies without diet and exercise…

Cause and effect. We can pretend it doesn’t exist but in the end the effects of our choices catch up with us and we wonder why it feels like God is far away, we don’t have a good relationship with our kids, spouses search for love in someone else’s arms and we feel old and tired and alone.

What about you? Changing bad habits can be overwhelming.  Remember, you are not alone.  Not only is God  capable of helping you, He delights to do it!  Start with one habit and choose to do one thing today that will move you toward change.

Five months ago I started to exercise. I started slow. The results came even slower. Today I’m still doing it–without pills (except Aleve…lot’s of Aleve!) and I feel…almost young again!

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right;  His ears are open to their cries for help. Psalm 34:15 NLT

This is not a drill…

The fire alarm sounded. Students lazily packed their books preparing to stand outside until the drill was done. Suddenly the voice on the intercom changed everything, “This is NOT a drill. I repeat: this is NOT a drill!” A bomb had gone off in a student’s locker. The drill had suddenly become a matter of survival.

Our pastor was one of the kids in the high school that day. He likened his experience to the attitude many of us have toward the spiritual war that’s being waged all around us. The alarm is going off. The danger is real, but most of us are acting like it’s just another drill.

My heart broke recently when I learned that publishers are reluctant to produce family devotion books. I was told parents don’t buy books that require them to be engaged, and a family devotion implies parental participation. Last weekend I participated in a conference and a mom asked me how often we do family devotions. “It’s so hard to make time,” she said sadly. “Everyone is so busy and we just don’t do it.”

My friends, there is an enemy that seeks to devour our children’s souls. He’s subtle, he’s cunning, he’s patient and he’s real. He bombards them every day and we must not only prepare them for the drill, we MUST teach them to take the alarm seriously. This is the reality: 70-75% of children raised in the church reject their faith when they leave home. (Barna research) My first-born will go to college next year. We’ve worked hard to help him build a firm foundation for his faith; shown him how to navigate the dangers and find his way to safety. When the alarms go off in his life he may not make the choice we hope for, but at least he knows he has a choice. Most kids don’t even know they have a choice or how to choose.

Dear parents, grandparents, teachers, mentors, aunts, uncles… THIS IS NOT A DRILL! We don’t have the luxury of hoping someone else will teach our children about who God is and why it matters in their lives. You can’t put it off until tomorrow. I say it again, THIS IS NOT A DRILL.


The political and cultural climate we live in can make it  challenging to know who’s right and who’s not. Who’s telling the truth? Who’s manipulating the facts for their own gain? If it’s confusing for adults we can be sure it’s confusing for our children.

Our family has watched the movie Hoodwinked several times and everyone loves it! The Discover God 4Kids calendar activity for this week includes fun snack food, the movie Hoodwinked and a teachable moment regarding the fact that God is ALWAYS Right. Click on: DG4Kids Hoodwinked to find more information.

Talking about the reality that God is ALWAYS Right and completely trustworthy can give your kids (and you!) comfort and security in a tumultuous world. We cannot depend on people, the media or even our leaders to always be right, but we can depend on God and His Word.


My daughter picked out a picture of the cake she wanted for her 16th birthday. I’d never done a topsy-turvy cake before but with YouTube and CakeCentral.com how could I go wrong? All I had to do was copy the picture. Right?

I nearly made a fatal mistake. I discovered that upper layers of a topsy-turvy cake would slide off if the bottom layer were not properly prepared. YouTube saved me from this disaster. A professional showed how to cut the bottom layer so that the top layer will actually sit on a flat surface (secured with dowels) and give the illusion of sitting on an angle. I would never have thought of this on my own!

When it comes to cakes, I’m a copycat. Give me a picture and some instructions from the professionals and I’m fine. Children are copycats as well. They imitate what they see and hear. You and I are professionals in the eyes of our kids, whether we feel like a pro or not.

It doesn’t mean we have to be perfect. It’s important for our kids to see us in process. My kids saw me wrestle with hurt feelings and disappointment, struggle to be kind to the unkind, choose to serve when I wanted to be served and even give myself a time-out now and then! They also saw me strive to bring the reality of God’s character into every challenge, hardship, joy and triumph. I pray that that is the one thing they copy above all else.

You can be an example for your children that will take them back to Jesus no matter what life may bring. It starts with your own relationship with the God who loves you passionately and is always by your side. If you’re young in your faith, find people you can “copy” for a while. How do they cultivate their relationship with Jesus? How do they live out their faith in the midst of real life? How do they integrate their faith into family life?

Sometimes, being a copycat is life changing for everyone!

…I don’t just do what is best for me; I do what is best for others so that many may be saved. And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1 NLT

Waving at God…

God is with you everywhere you go. Every appointment, errand, conversation, disappointment and accomplishment—from the mundane to the extraordinary—God is by your side. Sometimes our kids “get it” so much easier than we do! A friend e-mailed me a story that made my heart smile:

I thoroughly enjoyed being a Bible Study Fellowship Children’s Program volunteer last night! I sat next to a little guy and noticed that he waved at the ceiling. He leaned over and whispered to me asking me if I wanted to know what he was doing. I said I would like to know and he said that God is everywhere so he was just saying hi!

Don’t you love that?! Don’t you think God loved that?! No wonder Jesus asks us to come to Him as little children. We don’t have to turn off our brains (as some atheists like to threaten). God created our intellect. He’s not threatened by our ability to discover secrets of the universe and how it works. He knows, that if we’re intellectually honest, our discoveries will inevitably point us to our Creator. No, it’s not the intellect of a child that Jesus was referring to, but rather the uninhibited delight and trust of a child who recognizes the deep, unchanging love of a Savior and wants nothing more than to be with Him. It’s the child’s ability to see the reality of God’s presence when the rest of us are too busy to notice.

I’m praying for open eyes as I go through my day. I want to experience His presence as I bake a birthday cake for my daughter, paint cabinet doors for her bedroom (a project I’ve been trying to complete for a year!), grocery shop, finish the laundry, write, work… If you pass me on the street and see me wave at the sky, don’t worry, I’m probably waving at God… want to join me?

I can never escape from Your Spirit! I can never get away from Your presence! If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I go down to the grave, You are there. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me.
Psalms 139:7-10 (NLT)

Why can’t I be satisfied?

It’s been a while since I’ve written on the blog. In addition to the regular crazy “life” stuff, Brad and I have been putting the finishing touches on a book for children entitled Because God is…, published by Harvest House. I’m sooo excited about the book! I’ll tell you more about it as the January 2013 release date approaches!

I’ve heard many stories from women that have a common thread… they aren’t satisfied with their life… they want more. When asked what “more” is, some can answer specifically. Others don’t have a clue. Have you ever feel that way? I sure have! Women are not the only one’s that struggle with it. Many men wake up every day to face a life they’re disappointed in…

What are some of the culprits?

Single—want to be married
Married—want spouse to be different, act different…
Married—want to have children
Children—want them to grow up and be out of the house
Working—want a different job
Working—want a raise, to be valued
Out of work—want a job
Own a house—want a bigger house
Living in an apartment—want a house
Living on the street—want a roof, any roof

“Wanting” something is not necessarily wrong. ‘Wanting’ the right things can motivate us to do what it takes to achieve our goals. But the enemy of our souls knows the power of our “wants” and he uses them with unnerving success to rob us of joy.

On my 29th birthday I began to wonder if I might not get married… thus began one of my “black” years. Loneliness wrapped around my heart. “Lord, how could You make us for the marriage relationship and then not provide it for me?” “Lord, I’m so lonely. Why aren’t You providing a relationship for me?” “Lord, I love You, I want to serve You, that should be enough, but I’m still so unsatisfied and empty… Why?”

When I finally asked the last question, God was ready with an answer. His loving rebuke went like this:

Sweet daughter, you’re focusing on the one thing I’m not giving you and you’re missing the myriad of gifts I’m showering on you every day. You focus on what I’m giving others and covet those gifts for yourself. I know your pain and loneliness. I’m not providing what you want because I know a better way to satisfy your needs. You see only one way to quench your loneliness. I have a different way. Don’t settle for second best. Satisfaction begins with your focus. Focus on Me and give thanks for what I am giving. Trust Me to meet your needs in the best possible way and in the best possible time.

God brought my amazing husband into my life 2 years later… in the perfect time and place!  During those 2 years God satisfied my loneliness through several quality friendships rather than one.  Focus made all the difference.

Sweet sisters and brothers in Christ, if you are disappointed or dissatisfied with your life, I encourage you to focus on God and His character. Ask Him to open your eyes to what He is doing in your life and refuse to dwell on what He is not. Do you trust Him to do what’s in your best interest? Do you trust Him to fill you to overflowing?  He promises He will, and because God is Faithful, you can trust Him to keep His promise!

How has God met your needs in unexpected ways? I would love to hear your story!

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 NLT

Good Friday: Justice or Judgmental?

It’s easy for our children to have a warped view of God’s Justice. They see judgmental Christians and mistake it for the justice of God. They see “tolerance” worshipped on every street corner and confuse “loving their neighbor” with accepting and embracing their neighbor’s sin.

God has no tolerance for judgmental Christians. He knows the damage they can do. God has no tolerance for sin; He knows the damage it’s already done. Actually, our culture doesn’t have any tolerance for sin either… that is—if it’s a sin we don’t like.
Josh McDowell produced a t‐shirt that illustrates this well. It says:

Intolerance is a Beautiful Thing…
Mother Theresa was intolerant of Poverty
Bono was intolerant of Aids
Nelson Mandela was intolerant of Apartheid
Martin Luther King was intolerant of Racism
Jesus was intolerant of Bigotry

We’re hypocritical about sin. We judge those that sin in a way we find offensive, but ignore those sins we have a personal affection for. Our Just God, however, is not hypocritical about sin. Because He is Holy He finds all sin offensive– from using His name in vain to murder, from stealing a pack of gum to stealing a child’s innocence. His justice requires a penalty be paid for each and every sin. Overwhelming isn’t it?

Fortunately God knew a way to forgive our sin penalty without compromising His Justice! Because He is Merciful, Loving, All-Powerful, Unchanging, Faithful and Eternal, Jesus satisfied God’s justice when He died on the cross for our sins, paying the penalty in our place. It is the humbling reality of Good Friday and the inexpressible joy, and relief, of Easter Sunday!

God won’t force us to accept Jesus’ payment for our sin. Each of us has a decision to make: pay for our sin on our own and be forever guilty and separated from God, or accept Jesus’ payment and be forever set free—living in eternal relationship with God!

Understanding God’s Justice will not only encourage your children to begin a relationship with Jesus, it will also motivate them to stand up for what is right, empower them to fight for the weak and abused, and give them a message of hope for the hopeless.

Teaching your children that God is Just will pave the way for a humble heart…one that truly loves the sinner but hates the sin.

He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. Romans 4:25 (NIV)

Who was betrayed and put to death because of our misdeeds and was raised to secure our justification (our [a] acquittal), [making our account balance and absolving us from all guilt before God]. Romans 4:25  (Amplified Bible)

Is a child ever too young to accept Jesus?

Brad did it when he was 3 ½ and the memory is etched in his heart and mind. Jack was also 3 ½ when he did it, but he doesn’t remember a thing about it. When his dad recently read through the new 4Keys 4Kids evangelism tract with him, Jack, now five, said he wanted to pray and ask Jesus into his life. His dad asked if he remembered when he prayed the prayer before. Jack said ‘no’. So they bowed their heads and Jack repeated the prayer, signed his name in the back of the book as a solid reminder of the decision he had made.

Is a child ever too young to accept Christ? Was Brad’s decision more real than Jacks? Easter week is upon us and many parents will have the opportunity to answer questions kids have about what they see and hear regarding Jesus’ death and resurrection. How do you know if a child is “ready” to accept Christ? Theologians differ radically in their answer to this question. Rather than get tangled in the weeds I will keep it simple…

Because God knows everything, He knows the heart and mind of a child. Jesus encouraged the little ones to come to Him. He didn’t put an age restriction on the invitation. When a little child wants to come to Him our response is a no brainer—we show him/her how to “come!” Booklets like the new 4Keys 4Kids are a great resource and help explain the decision in terms a child can understand. Of course, that is only the beginning of the journey!

Many people who accept Christ at an early age will choose to surrender to Him again as they mature. This second decision doesn’t negate the first, but rather reinforces it. Again, God knows the heart of child. When children come to Him with a childlike faith, He opens His arms, receiving them without reservation and begins the life-long adventure of drawing each one into a deeper relationship with Him.

Studies show that if a child in America doesn’t accept Christ by their 14th birthday there’s only a 6% chance he/she ever will. It’s a sobering reality. The best time for your children to discover who God really is and begin an eternal relationship with Him through Jesus is now. They’re never too young to love God and get to know Him!

If you would like to order some of the 4Keys 4Kids tracts you can email me at: info@dg4kids.com and I’ll send you the information. They will be available to order on the DG4Kids website in the next two weeks.

Are you a functional atheist?

Take the Functional Atheist quiz!

1. When a problem comes what do you do first?

a. Try to fix it.
b. Thank God for the opportunity to see Him work and ask for His guidance.

2. When you make your to-do list what do you do first?

a. Write down all that must be done and jump into doing it.
b. Ask God what He wants you to do today and seek His guidance as you prioritize your day.

3. How many times a day do you think about, and/or talk to, God?

a. Never
b. Once or twice a day.
c. Several times a day.
d. Often.
e. Without ceasing.

Most Christians sitting in the pews every Sunday are functional atheists. It’s not that they don’t believe in God. They do. Many can recite theological principles with practiced ease, but their approach to daily life is much the same as that of an atheist. My husband, Brad, says it this way: Functional atheists depend on their own wisdom and strength on a moment-by-moment basis, rather than on the God of the Bible. Without realizing it, they are consumed with getting through the daily grind on their own efforts. Their Loving, All-Powerful, All-Knowing and Faithful God is ready to help but they’re almost blind to His Presence. I know, I’ve been there and done that. We say we believe in God and then we live in the moment as if He doesn’t exist.

In her devotion, Jesus Calling, Sarah Young writes:

Pause before responding to people or situations, giving (the Holy) Spirit space to act through you. Hasty words and actions leave no room for Me [Jesus]; this is atheistic living.

I don’t know about you, but my days are full and I move from one thing to another at record speed. Pausing to listen for God’s voice doesn’t come naturally! Sticky note reminders helped me turn a corner. Strategically placed, they were a constant reminder to fix my eyes on Jesus and bring Him into whatever I was doing at the moment.

What will help you pause throughout the day and leave room for God to speak and act?

If you truly believe in God, don’t struggle through life as a functional atheist. Our Personal, Loving, All-Powerful, Sovereign, Faithful, Merciful, Ever Present, All-Knowing, Unchanging God wants to be a part of every minute of every one of your days!

For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. Col. 1:27 NLT